Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pinterest - where feelings go to thrive

If you have not hit up Pinterest for some food ideas please allow me to ask WHAT IN GOD'S NAME ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!

Yes, I am yelling at you. 

Look. I get it. Pinterest can be weird and people don't get it, etc. etc. Let's be honest, it's another place on the Internets to waste time as if anyone has an overabundance of "time."

Regardless, like all other things on the World Wides, it's incredibly useful for a laugh, a fashion inspiration and naked men. Wait? What?  
Ok fine. I am SLIGHTLY obsessed with Alex O'Loughlin. Don't care about his acting it's... just... well here.

See? I mean. HONESTLY you have eyes right? 

What was I talking about? Oh Pinterest and it's usefulness. 

The recipes. THE PHOTOS. Look, you all see the photos I take - iPhone, no flash, ugly counters, unappetizing, etc. But FEAST on this:
I KNOW. I made Barbacoa tacos for the Heels / Kansas game this past weekend (pour one out for K. Marsh - Pa5s First) and holy Christ knockers it was delicious.

I made the recipe almost to the letter (please see the Adobo note). You can find that HERE

A couple of notes: 

1) A can of chipotle peppers has more than 4 peppers. Quite a few more actually. I wound up upending the entire contents into my food processor - including the additional 4 - 5 peppers. I would recommend counting out the peppers you need, pulling out the peppers you don't need and then add the remaining sauce. Why? Extra peppers = FUEGO. 

2) Brisket isn't as cheap as we thought it was. 5 lbs costs about $40 - which if you're feeding an army is great. But don't think it's a cheaper cut of meat like I did. 

3) Get two cilantro bunches. When my husband came home with our requisite cilantro bunch, I thought he munched on it in the car. They're getting smaller. Get two. 

4) Cloves will take over your whole dish so measure carefully. Seriously cloves get in there and are all THIS IS MY HOUSE NOW.
Don't be afraid to halve it if you're not a fan of, cloves.

5) Buy the authentic corn tortillas - they're smaller, softer and tastier. Trust me on this. 

6) Lastly, warm it over night if you can. My husband totally blew me off on this (GOD HUSBAND) but she's right. Keeping it on low or warm (I would have used Buffet) overnight not only softens the meat but lets the flavors meld. 

Due to our inability to lure our friends over for yummy tacos, our leftovers sat until the next day when we invited over a family friend with two very hungry fresh-from-lacrosse girls.

There's nothing I hate more than a microwaved meal. Blech. And knowing that the over-abundance of adobo was a bit overwhelming, I added some tomato pastes to a hot pan with a bit of the fat. MMMMM fat. The paste toned down the FUEGO without watering down the flavor - something I do all the time. 

Look. This is NOT a Taco Hell taco. Please don't add a shit ton of sour cream or cheese to these. You don't need it. All you need is some chopped onions, cilantro and lime wedges. MAYBE some pico. MAYBE. 

Voila! Nothing like feeding a bunch of people in set-it-and-forget-it mode. I wonder if I could get away with this at Thanksgiving and Christmas?

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